Sonntag, 8. November 2015

Reviews@Counterignition - Medioicrity Deadlock (CD)

Counterignation - Medioicrity Deadlock

Label: Miner Recordings
Year: 16.10.2015
Format: CD (Jewelcase)
Country: Serbia
Genre: Rock

Stil: Thrash, Groove, Progressive Metal

What attracted me to this band and this album is the fact that it is the first release of our band that has a mark „Parental Advisory“, but if you look better, in bottom row of an inscription is reads „Explicit Truth“ in stead of „Explicit Lirics“. Idea is of a genius. I don't know was that a small matketing trick, I do not know whose idea was that, but at least in my case it was very succesfull. Very interesting cover-art just amlified the impression, so even without some times to classical cover-arts with expected band logo and the album title, Counterignition decided to give up that idea completely.  Wise decision, because everybody who notice this detail will surely want to know what is the truth that is being revealed.  

On first listening, music of the band reminded me on a bit heavier version of a band Verka, and if I did not know that boys are from Kovin, I would be ready to bet on them being from Macedonia. This impression was enlarged bu the fat that they covered song „Makedonia“ of the band Time, and that even Dado Topić apeared as a guest on this song, which is highly respectable. Second highly present influence in terms of the music is the band Machine Head, which is definitely guilty for groove thrash segment in the bands music. Then it shouldn't be cosidered to be a miracle that I've met singer Aca Krculj on not so long ago briliant gig of Machine Head in Belgrade. So, musically, we are talking here about thrash grove metal core with, just to repeat, some strange Macedonian flavour, still inexpliceable. The album is opened by a song „Strike“ with a killer drumms beat that tells you right at the beginning that band members are great musitians. Simple song that speaks about cruel everyday life we all have to face with. Trully hard and heavy riff that throws the truth in everybodies face, ignoring the fact that we are maybe so used on puting our own heads in the sand. Every song has very interesting lirics that slapp you right in the face. It is being followed by a song „Divide and Conquer“ with this already so much known macedonian riff that gives the music a backbone. And again heavy riff, heavy as soil. Guitar duo Krculj/Kosovac surely know how to create a killer riff and to make of it a skeleton, so that it can glue on it enough meat. Bass of Marko Djukanović thunders in the background ensured that you will be properly beaten. „(No) Hope in Proles“ leads us with its music in the world of George Orwell and his 1844, and lirically it pictures the world of Big Brother, world in which people are learned to think less and blindly accept everything on the plate. Then it comes a ballad „Try“ so filled by the desperation of the state every individual is in, that the only question is if he is conscious of that state or not.  Song „Corpocracy“ add some speed and thrown into our face the truth that we are all slaves of big corporations that literally decide the look of every single day of our lives, and puts a pressure with its clear definition, 'till freedom loving spirit does not burst in our chest and destroys everything he comes accross. „Handshaking Frenzy“ by it almost funky rhithm kicks ass how good it is. Wery well measured and directed exchange of half-growls a la Max Cavalera and clean vocals guaranties very satisfying listening experience. At the beginning of the accustic „Endurance“, all the way up to 1:57, then return to the formula tried so many times 'till now, and song that klicks on 13:29 (!?). To long? Well, I don't know. Maybe? And maybe not?  Maybe just one of those songs that is to eclectic, that its howling riff simply draggs you into itself and throws you into the state of complete trance. And just before it becomes monotonous, 9:11 comes and everything goes mental and real thrash riff almost begins third song in one song, this time something so similar to Metallica. It simply pushes you endure untill the end. This song is like cofee, 3 in 1. After this gigantour of a song, it comes „Middletown“, thrash-groove destruction so awaited for. Krculj is tearing his throat apart. And then even longer than „Endurance“, song „Enemy Within“ that brings againt that Machine Head feeling, so good, that even the length of the song does not botter you. Maybe you are asking yourself should those two long songs even enter the album both, when they together take all 27 and half minutes. The real hit I have had to wayt on 'till the very end of the album. In this song there are the influences of Testament and Bay Srea thrash school, if you ask me the most fruitfull in terms of the number of good bands. Great thrash sweet! Album is closing already mentioned cover of the song „Makedonija“ of the band Time, in which his guest appearance has even Dado Topić himself, that enriched this song with his vocals, guitar and bass. 

A bit strange choice for the cover song, but in Counterignition version this song got some heavyness it did not have in the original version. I am sure that even Dado Topić was satisfied with the song at the end. If you notice the lirics of the song, it represents some kind of an answer on all social negativities represented in the songs. That is exactly what we need, a land that does not allow to be spoiled by those who live in it, quite often. Great album, maibe too long, but only maybe.

Written by: Igor Vlad Cepesh Živić

Rating : 8,5/10

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